Sunday, May 20, 2012

Clackamas County Creeps' Should Pay Their Fair Share

It's not surprising that Alpha Dope, Robb Kramer, would use a teenage girl (sounds like some of the judges down there) promote his low quality, political propaganda radio ad telling all the 'Clackamas County Creeps' to vote against paying for the Selwood Bridge, which connects Clackamas County to the City of Portland and is ready to fall in the river What a hoot! Creepy Kramer is also pushing the idea that the 'Clackamas County Creeps' (and all the "unregistered" child molesters who run the County, or want to run the county) to not pay for light rail into "his" county because it might bring the wrong sort of ("you's") "people" into his neighborhood. This is a real hoot coming from the Carl Rove of Oregon, when you learn the history of these racists and bigots, and the evil they have exported on "our" behalf throughout Auragone. Remember, the 'Swift Boat Ads' came out of the Clackamas County DAs Office. That's a real crack up- Wasn't that stepford wife, the one who strangled her eleven-year-old daughter to protect her from "registered" sex offenders from Clackamas County? And how about the mom who threw her two little children off the Selwood Bridge from Clackamas County? Maybe that's why they want it to fall into the River so people will forget about this typical Clackamas house wife... And isn't this the county where Deputy David Willard (what an appropriate name) shot that "brown-skinned" kid with the Arabic sounding name, Kaady something- the kid had caught himself and his car on fire, but he ended up tearing off his clothes and was suffering from third degree burns over most of his body when he began walking, aimlessly, half out of his mind. The paramedics said his skin was falling off. But Willard wouldn't let them near him to help...give him something for the pain (sounds like "our" delightfully wicked Clackamas County cops and "correction" officers). Dirty David Willard kept yelling "Lay down on the [hot] cement!" At the same time, Willard kept using his stun gun on the kid, over and over. When the seventeen-year-old kid, who was an American citizen, ran to the nearest car and climbed on the roof, and begged for his life, Willard yelled "FIRE!" Willard and another cop put nine bullets into the body of who the Clackamas County Dispatcher kept calling (sarcastically) "Naked Guy"... What a hoot! And a civil jury (of your typical 'Clackamas County Creep') wouldn't give this kid's family a dime of "their" precious money- I love Auragone! And meanwhile, Kramer's radio cabin boy, Jim something or other, told the radio listeners last Sunday that David Willard's supervisor, Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts, was a great guy. That's hilarious! This is the same Sheriff who knew his Chief Deputy who guarded the Clackamas County Court House was abusing his wife, both physically and mentally. And you can bet that some of those crooked judges knew it too. But they said nothing, since they always protect their "we" do. Then one day, this roid-taking, swagged out Clackamas County Deputy (sounds like Cowturd, Puke, Kenny the Drunk and some of the other local sports talk morons) goes out to Multnomah County to a lounge and blows away his wife and two of her female friends! Yeah, Sherriff Roberts is a swell guy, and a "good cop", except when he's surfing the web for porn and playing the 'bad cop'. He does take a lot of "our" money to manipulate children (sounds like some of the Clackamas County judges) to brainwash them to believe the government's claim that there is no medical value for marijuana. But the racists and bigots of Clackamas County aren't happy about the corporate DemocRats being in power. Especially the part about having a "black" man in the "White" House. "there's something wrong about that," you can hear Shaftler and the rest of them saying down at the Home Buffet. And they have a point-- So we know that one third of the "people" who live in Clackamas County make their living off the jobs, the people and the public resources of Portland and Multnomah County, but since when does the facts get in the way of of 'US' or a Clackamas County bigot like Creepy Kramer and the Alpha Dopes? And that doesn't mean "we're" going to suggest that the 'Clackamas County Creeps' should pay their fair share...

1 comment:

  1. Where did you ever get the idea that Fouad Kaady was 17 years old at the time?
